• We aspire to seamlessly blend technology with art, elegantly manifesting this harmonious fusion within the realm of event design

  • broken image
  • broken image
  • We aspire to seamlessly blend technology with art, elegantly manifesting this harmonious fusion within the realm of event design

  • Exh&ExP

    we try to maximize the value of artist, brand, and regional culture through audio-visual aesthetics

  • broken image
    broken image
    broken image
  • ces

    We facilitate the showcasing of cutting-edge technologies by a multitude of tech firms at the biggest electronics show in the United State, CES(International Consumer Electronics Show), amplifying their visibility and solidifying their position in the industry landscape.


    saudi project

  • series of events

    broken image
    broken image
    broken image
    broken image
  • broken image
  • broken image
    broken image


    broken image
    broken image
    broken image
  • broken image

    nanshan pokeman theme

    Join us for unlimited access and support your favorite voices

  • background image
  • site selection

    Based on the product characteristics, consider factors like location, transportation convenience, and supporting facilities to select the optimal site.

    stage design

    We fully leverage the roles of lines, textures, colors, and lighting in outdoor and indoor spatial planning, maximizing the design aesthetics by integrating landscapes, architecture, and ecology into the design.

    event planning

    From date arrangement,security to organizng coordination,we work to gurantee that each component of the event unflods seamlessly and securely